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Services that start with the leaders

and connect with the business

Our work is rooted in

Emotional Intelligence

(EQ) which is twice as

significant as IQ and

technical skills combined

as a predictor of success.


What all organizations share – regardless of business model and size – is the need for effective leadership, a clear and well-communicated vision around which the organization is aligned, and teams that can achieve results together.



For Leaders

Through partnering with Cavendish Vernal, leaders can strengthen their skills by developing greater authenticity, social and emotional intelligence and self-awareness and by creating a compelling vision for their organization that will drive superior results.


For Teams

Create a cohesive and aligned team that achieves results together through collaboration, innovation and effective conflict resolution mediation.


For Organizations

Partnering with Cavendish Vernal can enhance your organization's results through energized people and teams. Each engagement is approached in a systemic way and tailored to meet the unique needs of the organization.


The practical application of EQ concepts and strategies provides a heightened awareness in leaders about the impact of their behavior on others. It also provides a common language that you can integrate immediately. This, in combination with our customized, systemic approach enables us to offer you the highest level of leadership coaching and development.

Let Cavendish Vernal help your leaders, teams and organization!  

Our Services



Coaching Leaders, Groups and Teams

We work with you to determine the best option for accelerating leadership competencies through:


Executive Coaching

One-on-one coaching with executive leaders, potential executive leaders and high potential employees


New Leader Assimilation

One-on-one coaching and facilitated conversations with new leaders (whether through promotion or external hire) and their teams


Small Group Coaching

Facilitated group sessions of high potential employees at similar levels within the organization


Team Coaching

Facilitated sessions for intact teams


Cross functional team coaching

Facilitated sessions for teams launched for specific projects



Developing Leadership Skills

We create custom tailored workshops based on your business needs. We help your team learn, improve and practice leadership skills. Sessions are rooted in Emotional Intelligence and include topics like feedback, communication, change management, conflict resolution and many more



Designing and Facilitating Retreats

Successful leaders recognize the value of "retreating" from the day-to-day demands to create a plan, change direction, strengthen a leadership team or focus on strategic vision and organizational culture

Benefits of Working with Cavendish Vernal








Enhance leaders’ contributions to your team and organization by focusing on their professional growth




Support the new leader and their team in a quick, effective transition by allowing us to guide discussions on values, philosophies, expectations, communication needs, challenges & opportunities




Experience the benefits of peer support and accountability as we encourage your leaders to share their goals and openly discuss their challenges and successes


Increase your team’s effectiveness while simultaneously developing individual skills and behaviors


Launch a team with our help. We break down the barriers to team effectiveness as we teach skills that will jump start their success



Develop leaders that are efficient, productive, and have skills to contribute to the success of your organization








We help your organization advance more successfully and more effectively by helping you “retreat” to focus on improved business outcomes and enhanced relationships



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